Bradgate Summer Fayre - June 2023

On Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th June we will be attending the Summer Fayre at Bradgate Park, Leicestershire.
It will be a fun-filled weekend in the beautiful Bradgate Park with lots of live music, hot food, drinks, and of course our masalas.
There will be many other stallholders, a vintage carousel, traditional fete games, have-a-go archery, face painting and much more.
The sun will be shining bright this weekend and so come and enjoy the fayre and the amazing Bradgate park.
The fayre will be open from 10am to 5pm on both Saturday and Sunday.
The Summer Fayre will primarily take place on the Deer Meadow, beside the Deer Barn Visitor Centre and Café.
Entry is free (car parking charges apply) - so pop by and join in with the summer fun.
More information can be found about the fayre on the Bradgate Park website.
Remember, if you are unable to make the fair, you can always purchase through our website.